U.S.A. is mourning is deaths. The terrorists are responsible for murder, nobody has a doubt about it.If they are caught they will be punished because the American Law is condemning them. By doing so the American Government will do its own duty to protect the citizens of this country and cannot be held responsible of these deahts.

What is the big picture, here it is: tobacco is responsible of 434,000 deaths per year in U.S.A. (Smoking kills more than cocaine, heroine, alcohol, fire automobile accidents, homicides, suicides and AIDS COMBINED!) This is 1200 dead people per day every day of the year, every year! This is the real picture!

The tobacco producers and the tobacco dealers are not going to jail because the American Law is protecting these drug dealers. By doing so the American Government is not doing its own duty to protect the citizens of this country in general and the youth in particular, and is responsible of ALL these deaths.

Therefore the lawmakers, the government are responsible of murder. The greatest mass murder ever.


Yes the tragedy of Manhattan receives enormous coverage, but we say nothing about these 400,000 people who die each year in America because of tobacco! Nothing, not a word, when in reality it is the equivalent of  the people of 10 superjets that die EVERY DAY. Imagine 10 superjets destroyed by terrorists every day, that’s what the american lawmakers are guilty of!


We think in horror about the atrocities of Manhattan, but the estimated figures of deaths caused by smoking between 1950 and 2000 are 80 Million. 80 Million!

THIS is the real World War III.

434,000 deaths a year, this is 1189 every single day, and who is responsible? The tobacco sellers and the American Government (lawmakers) are responsible by allowing tobacco sale. 

God loves the people at the government, but He also loves the 1200 people whom you are killing... every day! 

Each person (this means YOU Mr. Senators, YOU Mr. Bush) will have to give account at the Most Solemn Tribunal of God of all he did during his God-given lifetime. 

Please, Mr. Senators, Mr. Bush, for your own sake, let us stop this massacre. Remember, it is the greatest crime of the U.S.A.: 434,000 murders a year. Thousands times greater than what happened at the ex-Trade World Center.


- Michel MACE -


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